About: Gary Sorenson

Recent Posts by Gary Sorenson

Meeting notice

Unfortunately recent heavy rains have once again resulted in some ponding and flooded fields. I've received a lot of phone calls about what our replant policy is and what I have for replant seed.   I'd like to have a short agronomy meeting, we can discuss what I have for early beans and Monsanto's replant policy.   I'd also like to do a walk thru of the Climate program. I've found it to be very

April 2013 Update from Sorenson

Warmer weather can't arrive soon enough, and looking a week out indicates a warming trend is on the way. Around here I made some improvements including the addition of an Internet connected weather station. I am anticipating a hectic pace in the coming weeks so I am gearing up to serve you better.

Welcome to the Sorenson Seed website!

Welcome to the new Sorenson Seeds website! In my first news post I discuss Monsanto’s IFS program, the possible delay some may face relating to 2013 planting because of our cold/wet spring, and how Acceleron has been reformulated. Let me know what you think.

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